Friday, January 31, 2020

The Beginning of Civil Rights Movement in the U.S. Essay Example for Free

The Beginning of Civil Rights Movement in the U.S. Essay â€Å"Being a Negro in America means trying to smile when you want to cry. It means trying to hold on to physical life amid psychological death. It means the pain of watching your children grow up with clouds of inferiority in their mental skies. It means having their legs off, and then being condemned for being a cripple.1† These were the words of Martin Luther King Jr.. For nearly 80 years after being freed from slavery, African-Americans suffered under the discrimination and segregation of their fellow Americans. After World War II, African-Americans were ready for change and the nation could feel the inevitable Civil Rights Movement coming. With nonviolence and motivation the Civil Rights wheels were set in motion led by determined leaders and brave youth, which would have a permanent effect on American society. After the Civil War ended on June 22nd, 1865 and the Emancipation Proclamation was enforced in the last states that still had slaves. With the passing of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments, African-Americans had for the first time in history the privileges of citizenship and the right to vote. Unfortunately, with the withdrawal of federal troops from the South, the situation for African-Americans, all across the nation, would only deteriorate until the Civil Rights Movement starting in 1954, keeping most African-Americans unable to vote making them â€Å"economically and politically powerless†.2 Many unsuccessful attempts for civil rights, unsupportive presidents, and violence from groups like the Ku Klux Klan made Civil Rights progress nearly impossible for nearly 80 years, even under the support from organizations such as the NAACP. African-Americans had to abide by Black Codes and Jim Crow laws in many parts of America and faced daily discrimination. Segregation under Black Codes and Jim Crow laws became a part of daily life for African-Americans all over America. The â€Å"separate but equal† reasoning was backed by the US Supreme court in the Plessy v. Ferguson case after a Louisiana Law stated that railroads must provide â€Å"equal but separate accomm odations for the white, and colored, race.†3 African-Americans tried to push Civil Rights on different occasions such as  World War II, where the idea of a â€Å"Double V† (spreading democracy abroad and at home for African Americans) began after James G. Thompson wrote a letter to the Pittsburgh Courier in 1942; â€Å"let colored Americans adopt the double VV for a double victory.†4 Though somewhat successful with the passing of the Fair Employment Act, most consider the Civil Rights Movement to begin after the Brown v. Board of Education case5 in 1954, ruling segregated schooling unconstitutional. The Brown v. Board of Education was a major step in the Civil Rights Movement. One of the first attempts to integrate a school in Little Rock, Arkansas received national attention after the nine black students who were selected to join a previously white high school were met by an angry mob. President Eisenhower had to send troops in just so that these students could go to school unharmed, a headliner that shocked the nation.6 This would not be the only violent reaction to the Civil Rights Movement. The majority of Civil Rights activists, though, believed in nonviolence.7 Martin Luther King Jr., a leader in the Civil Rights Movement who was a supporter of nonviolence, said, â€Å"Nonviolence is a powerful and just weapon. It is a sword that heals. (It) cuts without wounding and ennobles the man who wields it.†8 This nonviolent approach to Civil Rights could be seen in the way African-Americans used Buses to break down segregation; both in the Montgomery Bus Boycott of 1955 and the Freedom Rides in 1961. Claudette Colvin was 15 years old when she was arrested for refusing to move to the black section of a bus. Nine months later, a more famous bus arrest happened to Rosa Parks. Martin Luther King Jr. saw the opportunity to start a mass boycott coordinated the Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA), of which he was president of.9 The boycott lasted 13 months and was a major success, when bus segregation was abolished in Montgomery. This proved that peaceful methods could be used to successfully achieve change for Civil Rights. Another popular nonviolent method of civil disobedience were the â€Å"Sit-ins.† One famous â€Å"sit-in† was lead by the â€Å"Greensboro Four† a group of four African-American college students who sat at the lunch counter of a segregated store, sparking a wave of similar sit-ins around the country.10 The nonviolent mindset of many Civil Rights activists was often not reflected in the resistance they met, particularly in Southern states. The Freedom Rides of 1961 were originally led by thirteen college students, seven black and six white, who tr aveled with  interstate Greyhound buses from the North to the South to defy the segregated busing system and segregation at the interstate transportation facilities.11 As the movement grew in numbers and recognition, so did the violence that met them when the buses rolled into the South. Angry white mobs, mainly made up of KKK members, threw firebombs and beat and tortured the students as they stumbled out of the burning buses. As media caught wind of this and images began circulating, the nation was shocked. The eventual desegregation on the interstate buses was pushed in most part by the newly elected President John F. Kennedy and his brother, the Attorney General, Robert Kennedy.12 In the election of 1960, the two candidates were Richard Nixon for the Republican Party and John F. Kennedy for the Democratic Party, though he was part of a more liberal part of the Democratic party, causing much of the South to be somewhat hesitant in their support.13 The election ended up being one of the closest elections of US history, and Kennedy won mainly due to the first-ever televised presidential debate. Kennedy was good-looking, and charismatic whereas Nixon was nervous and sweating; unprepared for the media.14 He appointed his brother, Attorney General shortly thereafter. P resident Kennedy was a supporter of civil rights, but had to choose between the support of the South and his belief in civil rights, so he started taking only small steps towards progress. His brother was also a supporter of Civil Rights and helped by integrating the government. Many Civil Rights activists, who were hoping Kennedys would kick the Civil Rights Movement into motion were disappointed by the slow process. Kennedy changed his cautious approach after violence escalated in the town of Birmingham, Alabama as a result of a peaceful protest led by Martin Luther King Jr. The Birmingham Campaign of 1963 was located in Birmingham, Alabama, considered at the time to be â€Å"America’s most segregated city.† Martin Luther King Jr. took up the challenge of desegregating this town believing that if he could successfully desegregate the town of Birmingham, he could desegregate any town in America. A court order was obtained by the city against the protests, though Martin Luther King Jr., along with the other leaders of the movement decided to disobey the order and continue. King was arrested and kept in solitary confinement for eight days.15 The campaign leader came up with the idea to bring young people and even children into the protest, representing innocent and pure intentions of  young Civil Rights activists.16 On May 2nd, thousands of young people protested and hundreds were arrested. Images of policemen clubbing, shooting with high powered hoses, and releasing dogs on the youth flooded the media, causing once again, a very outraged nation. Pressure mounted on the government and President Kennedy. Kennedy, who had only been dipping his feet in the Civil Rights Movement until that moment, now cannonballed his way into full-fledged support of Civil Rights after giving a very clear message in his Civil Rights Address on June 11th, 1963, â€Å"The events in Birmingham and elsewhere have so increased the cries for equality that no city or State or legislative body can prudently choose to ignore them.†17 In this speech he also declared that he was going to propose an act allowing all Americans to use public facilities without facing discrimination or segregation, continuing the integration of schools, and other features, such as more protection for voters. This would be known as the Civil Rights Act, and would be passed by President Lyndon Johnson in 1964. Though the government had proved supportive in this case, many in the government tried to suppress the Civil Rights Movement, such as J. Edgar Hoover, the director of the FBI from 1924 to 1972. Many of the direct attacks on the Civil Rights Movement came from groups like the Ku Klux Klan and policemen, but the FBI under J. Edgar Hoover led a much more invasive attack on the movement and Dr. King in particular. J. Edgar Hoover was a white supremacist with no sympathy for Civil Rights and spent much of his time trying to discredit the movement and Dr. King. Even as the Red Scare died down in the 1950’s, being accused of communism or affiliations with communism was often a serious blow to a person’s career and reputation.18 The FBI and J. Edgar Hoover were also responsible for investigations against communist activities. Hoover used an allegation of communism to keep Martin Luther King Jr. and the movement under constant investigation and surveillance. He used tapes of Kennedy affairs as blackmail, so that President Kennedy would allow him to wiretap King’s phones in October 1963. What he found though, were not communist activities, but affairs King had. T he FBI then mailed the tapes to him, encouraging him to commit suicide to spare him public embarrassment.19 The FBI continued investigating King even after the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed, when the FBI’s responsibility of investigating crimes against civil rights greatly increased.20 After King spoke out against the Vietnam War in  1967, the FBI saw this as proof that he was being influenced by communist advisers. However when Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated, the FBI launched a successful investigation finding his killer. Martin Luther King Jr.’s most famous speech, â€Å"I have a dream,† was given at the March on Washington on August 28th, 1963, the largest peaceful rally of the time with around 250,000 people of all ages, races, and walks of life. The march had been planned in 1941 by A. Philip Randolph for equality in the jobs market, but never happened after Randolph threatened the 100,000 strong march to President Roosevelt and Roosevelt passed the Fair Employment Act.21 The event was sponsored by numerous organizations and people. There were also a variety of speakers (among them a rabbi representing the overwhelming proportion of Jewish supporters of the civil rights movement22) and musicians including Bob Dylan.23 The most memorable moment, was of course, the speech of Martin Luther King Jr. towards the end of the event. This historical speech was not only on Civi l Rights, but also of the dream that King had of a nation where blacks and whites would live together in friendship and acceptance. 24 After the historical march, King and other Civil Rights leaders met with President Kennedy and Vice President Lyndon Johnson to discuss the necessity the complete support of Civil Rights.25 Some of the terms discussed in the aftermath of the March on Washington were reflected the the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act after Kennedy was assassinated. President Kennedy was the hope and inspiration of many young Americans of the Baby Boomer generation, especially African-Americans. In the midst of campaigning for his second term, Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas on November 22nd, 1963 by Lee Harvey Oswald. This stunned the American people and caused a wave confusion and grieving. The resulting mood was one of grief and apprehension of the future of the American government. Kennedy’s vice president was Lyndon B. Johnson, an avid supporter of Civil Rights and social justice, but also known for his â€Å"arm-twisting† methods of getting things through Cong ress and being a drunkard, was somewhat of a love-hate figure of American Politics. He used his questionable methods to push Kennedy’s proposed Civil Rights Act through Congress in 1964. The Act made it illegal for private businesses to discriminate, effectively destroying the Jim Crow system and making Civil Rights crimes a matter of the federal court, not the state court. The act was a huge step forward, but  did not address voting rights. Voting rights were passed in the Voting Rights Act of 1965 after a wave of violence in the town of Selma, Alabama when a nonviolent campaign to register African-American voters led by Martin Luther King Jr. and many Civil Rights leaders marched it’s way from Selma to Montgomery. Things began escalating about a month in on February 2nd, 1965 when a young African-American was shot to death by a state-trooper after trying to protect his mother from the police.26 This sparked the Selma to Montgomery March on March 7th, 1965. The march met a police blockade in Selma with clubs and tear gas and that day became known as â€Å"Bloody Sunday,† sparking national outrage. The march continued and was continually met by police and KKK brutality and added deaths. On August 6th, 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act; the events in Selma greatly impacting the act. This is considered the â₠¬Å"political and emotional peak of the American civil rights movement.†27 The movement began to stray from the nonviolent tradition in the late 1960’s and especially after Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated on April 4th, 1968. Many African-Americans in the North felt left out from the successes of the Civil Rights. The suburb culture of the 1950’s and 60’s led to a flood of rich white Americans moving out of the cities, leaving the poor African-Americans in the North, stuck in a cycle of poverty and crime. The more militant movement challenging Martin Luther King Jr.’s ideas was led by Malcolm X, formally part of the Nation of Islam. He promoted the idea of black pride and that African-Americans should defend themselves against white aggression.28 Malcolm X was assassinated in 1965, but his ideas of black pride led to the Black Power movement, empowering African-Americans and instilling a sense of pride among them. Unfortunately it also promoted a very â€Å"macho† culture, which was not very women’s rights friendly. Many consider the Civil Rights Movement to have ended in 1968, and may believe that racism is a thing of the past and that this generation has learned, as Martin Luther King Jr. said, â€Å"not be judge by the color of their skin but by the conte nt of their character.†29 Unfortunately, discrimination for many minorities is a very real part of their life in America today. There is statistical data showing that problems like discrimination in the workplace30, wealth gaps between races31, and disproportionately high crime and incarceration rates for minorities exist. A study done in 2000 to 2002, showed that most employers called back  applicants with resumes with white-sounding names (versus black-sounding names) more often than not.32 Nonwhite families earned approx. 65% of what white families earned in 2012.33 This gap between whites and minorities is a battle still being fought today. Many believe that the minorities are also unrepresented in the government, thus hindering any major progress for minorities. The Civil Rights movement was a movement against hundreds of years of oppression and discrimination. It was a movement that swept the country and changed the culture and politics of America forever, led by determined, courageous leaders whose names will always be remembered. It opened the economic, political, and social doors that African-Ameri cans had never had the privilege to explore in the days of segregation and discrimination. Though racism will probably always be present in some form, the impact of the civil rights movement was a necessary and undeniable step for all of mankind.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Relationships :: Definition Defining Relations Essays

Part 1:Relationships What is a relationship? And just what kind of relationship are you talking about? Relationship: (ri là ¡ shen ship ´) n. 1. The quantity or status of being related; connection. 2. Connection by blood, marriage..etc; kinship 3. A particular instance of being related. (As stated in the Third Collegiate Edition of Webster?s Dictionary) In most cases that definition does not clear anything but I put it there anyway that way you can have the real definition versus mine. The relationship I?m going to be talking about is the one that can exist between heterogeneous humans both male and female. I?m, not talking about a connection by blood but rather a connection by a commonality. A link between two people, so to speak. And how 2 people bond together to stride towards a common goal. That common goal achieving a friendship, girlfriend/boyfriend, husband/wife..etc. First off, just how is a relationship formed? Well I have come up with a set of stages explaining how two people co-exist together. There are 5 basic stages. The first stage of a relationship is basically acknowledging a person. Knowing that their a living, breathing mammal like yourself and they too have a purpose in this world. Now you acknowledge them pretty much by finding out basic information. This basic information being simple things like their name, gender, sharing a common place with them (school, work for example) and their description (red hair, blue eyes, tall, skinny..etc.). The second stage is beginning socialization but in a casual sense. Talking to that person only about things you 2 might share at a certain obstacle. Such as asking a person for the homework you missed (?Study buddy?) or what did you miss at the meeting for word last Friday. These brief conversations never exceed anything out of bounds. You would never ask your ?study buddy? what their plans are for the weekend or anything to that degree. Following these brief conversations you have, you start offering gestures. You may notice yourself saying ?hi? to that person when you see them, a possible handshake and saying ?bye.? In today?s society you might say the more common phrase ?what?s up (which basically means what?s new?, how are things?, what have you been upto..etc.) and you?ll get the most likely response of ?nothing much? and you?ll be on your merry way again. The 3rd stage is actually becoming friends with that person. This means being an active part in that person?s personal life. More socially. You start to learn their personal side. This means learning things about them that you wouldn?t normally know from

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Relationship between pressure and volume Essay

Questions – According to the result of the experiment, the relationship between variables such as volume and pressure was inversely related. However, the graph that showed the relationship between 1/volume and the pressure was directly related. – Gas law was defined by many scientists. However, the relationship between volume and pressure was proved by Boyle who made Boyle’s laws which defined pressure and volume are inversely proportional. If the pressure goes up, the volume will go down and vice versa. However, if we put the volume inversely, then the relationship between pressure and the inversed volume will be changed into directly proportional. – KMT (Kinetic molecular theory) helps to explain macroscopic properties of gases such as pressure, temperature of volume, by considering their molecular composition and motion. It says that pressure is due to collisions between molecules moving at different velocities. If the gas is in a container, the collision with the wall is instantaneous and elastic. Therefore, its shape is changeable by pressure or temperature. However, at some point, the volume does not change little when there is no more space between molecules or the collision with wall is stronger than the pressure. As we can see in the result of the experiment, there is bigger difference between weak pressures and smaller difference between strong pressures. At the end there is almost no difference between pressures. The other graph that volume was inversely drawn shows constant increase which is directly proportion. We can also find the shape of graph from the equation. The origin equation of Boyles’ law is P?1/V à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ P=k(1/V) à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ PV=k. Conclusion From the experiment, I was able to determine the mathematical relationship between pressure and volume. According to the Boyles’ law, Pressure*Volume has constancy because pressure and volume are inversely related to each other. To find out the pressure, I had to fine out the mass and the area of contact because the pressure has a formula (Mass/Area). According to the formula, the pressure of a book had 251g/cmà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ (1440/5.73 = 251g/cmà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½). Therefore, the pressure will be constantly changed by the number of books. It is not the end of the pressure. I had to add the total pressure on the piston equals the pressure from the books plus the atmospheric pressure. For the volume part, I just had to record the scale of syringe that shown according to the number of books. The more books press the syringe, the less scale of volume was shown. From the Boyles’ law, P?1/V à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ P=k(1/V), PV=k(constant) can be deduced. Form the mathematical calculation based on the Boyles’ law, the volume was exactly decreased, when the pressure was increased. In addition, Pressure*Volume showed the constancy, even if it contained huge uncertainties. Therefore, the conclusion will be same as Boyles’ law that the pressure and the volume are inversely proportional. To make the graph which shows the relationship between pressure and volume more understandable, I supposed the small numbers (50-1000) of pressure that would give much bigger volume by dividing constant from pressure. According to the graph, smaller number of pressure has bigger number of volume, and vice versa. Limitation There were a few limitations in my laboratory. First of all, as you can see in the volume part, there is no volume difference between no book and with a book which means there was not any pressure between these. I think that was because of the supporting thing which was the top of the syringe where we put the books. It seemed that it had reasonable weight as much as a book had. Secondly, there were huge uncertainties between theory and my experiment as we can assume that the experiment is not reliable. For example, the uncertainty of constant of Pressure and Volume, it had 8% of uncertainties so the biggest constancy was 1200 (highest constancy was 46,900 à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½3750 – the lowest constancy was 45,700 à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½3660) Moreover, I found that there was not constant pressure due to the unstable syringe, I had to make the balance point so my pressure by hands might influence the results. Improvement Fortunately, my experiment had a few odd points so it was rather successful. However, to improve my experiment, I need to figure it out the mass of the support thing that was on the top of the syringe. Due to the resistance by supporting stuff, there was not any volume difference between no book and a book. For the next time, we may find how much it can support it so we can subtract that weight. There were huge uncertainties that prove the results are not reliable. To reduce the uncertainties, we need to measure more accurately with more significant digits. Also, I can do more trials to make the result more accurately. Besides, we need to find more stable equipment that we do not need to find the balance point and put pressure by hand accidently. In addition, make it sure that the gas which was blocked to be released by piston should not be leaked. Lastly, when any scale is measured, make it sure that all of them are accurate so that the uncertainty will be less which means the exper iment will be more reliable.

Monday, January 6, 2020

What Do The Terms Governance Risk Management Mean

ï  ¶ What do the Terms Governance Risk Management Mean? ‘Governance’ depicts the general administration approach through which senior officials direct and control the whole association, utilizing a mix of administration data and progressive administration control structures. Administration exercises guarantee that basic administration data achieving the official group is adequately entire, precise and auspicious to empower proper administration basic leadership, and give the control components to guarantee that methodologies, headings and directions from administration are completed methodically and successfully. ‘Governance of Risk Management’ is the consideration given to forestalling unreasonable hazard administration by remembering the†¦show more content†¦Corporate governance, Risk Management, and Compliance (GRC) are three aspects that help guaranteeing that an association meets its targets. Administration is the blend of procedures set up and executed by the executives (or the top managerial staff) that are reflected in the association s structure and how it is overseen and driven toward accomplishing objectives. Chance administration is foreseeing and overseeing dangers that could impede the association to accomplish its goals. Consistence alludes to following with the organization s strategies, systems, laws and regulations. GRC is a teach that means to synchronize data and action crosswise over administration, chance administration and consistence so as to work all the more proficiently, empower compelling data sharing, all the more viably report exercises and keep away from inefficient covers. Albeit deciphered distinctively in different associations, GRC ordinarily incorporates exercises, for example, corporate administration, undertaking hazard administration (ERM) and corporate consistence with relevant laws and controls. Associations achieve a size where facilitated control over GRC exercises is required to work viably. Each of these three orders makes data of significant worth to the next two, and every one of the three effect similar innovations, individuals, procedures and data. Generous duplication ofShow MoreRelatedRole Of Internal Audit On The Organization Outside The Finance Department1121 Words   |  5 Pagesorganizations risk management, control and governance processes to help improve them. Internal auditors (IA) assess how well risks are being managed in an organization, how the organization is being governed and how well internal control systems and processes are working. They report their findings to senior management, highlighting and advising management where improvements in systems controls and processes are necessary. 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